Monday, September 23, 2019

Announcements - Monday September 23, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019

Today is the 15th day of school; there are 165 days remaining.

Our school-wide Fundraiser is happening now! Please support your school by participating either with your order form or registering online. All profit goes directly to activities and materials to support students here at BJHS. Keep selling!!

September 23rd- 27th NJHS will be leading our school in participating in “Start With Hello Week”.  Start With Hello Week is organized by Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit organization led by several family members who lost loved ones at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on December 14, 2012.  Based in Newtown, Connecticut, Sandy Hook Promise’s mission is to prevent gun violence BEFORE it happens by teaching youth and adults how to recognize the signs, intervene and get help for individuals who may be at-risk of hurting themselves or others.  Start with Hello teaches students the skills they need to reach out to and include those who may be dealing with chronic social isolation and create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school.  Please join us next week as we work to help ALL students at BJHS feel connected by starting with hello and participating in our activities. 

Monday will be “Hey Day” NJHS students will be wearing “Hello my name is” name tags.  Students will wear name tags all day and say hello to someone new!  If you are not a NJHS student and want to participate say hello to an NJHS student and ask for a name tag so you can participate too!  You can also stop by our start with hello week table in the lunchroom to buy a bracelet for $1.00 and get a name tag for hey day!

Tuesday “Random Acts of Kindness Day” - Do something nice for someone!  Be the reason someone smiles today! Share what made you smile today on our smile wall in the lunchroom.

Wednesday We will have a mix it up lunch with “Lifesavers in the lunchroom” Get a lifesaver on your way into lunch then find someone with the same lifesaver flavor as you and invite them to sit with you. Be sure to include everyone at lunch, if you see someone who is sitting alone invite them to sit by you then try out some of the icebreakers on the table to get the conversation going! 

Thursday -  “Compliments Day” - Try and compliment at least three people today!  Not only are compliments appreciated by the receiver, they make the giver feel great too! Compliments are an easy way to connect positively with those around you.  It creates friendships, brightens your day, and feels good!! Let someone know how much you appreciate them, how amazing they are, or thank someone for all they do! Tell them or write a note!

Friday -“Green out” - wear green to show your support for including others and preventing violence before it takes place!

There will be an early release for the red volleyball team today at 1:45 p.m. to allow for travel time to Jackson, MI. 

Bedford's Volley for the Cure Game is not until October, but we have begun to take orders for
 t-shirts.  If you would like to put a loved one's name on the back, "in honor of" or "in memory of", the forms are in the office.  This is for students and staff!  

The junior high boys cross country team took 2nd out of 16 teams at the Cardinal Stritch Invitational on Saturday at Maumee Bay State Park.  Simon V and Aiden O led the boys, followed closely by Jordan B and Sawyer U.  6th graders Trent Y and Aaron M ran personal best times to help the team.  And, Logan H put in a great effort to win the Open Division race.  The boys earned another runner-up plaque which is on display in the office.  The boys will race on Tuesday at Dexter against all the teams in the SEC.  Good luck guys!

Need help with ELA  homework?
Need help with reading or writing for another class? Need to study for an ELA Test or Quiz?
Ask your ELA or homeroom teacher for a pass and come visit Mrs. Knapp in room # 49 during your homeroom 4A or 4B OR Miss Mason in room # 25 during homeroom 5A or 5B for English Lab.  Both teachers will be there to help you!

Bible Fellowship Club will be meeting  every Thursday after school in room #23 until 3:30PM.  Therefore, everyone must have a ride at 3:30PM.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Brown in room #23.

If you need extra help with your homework, plan to attend 8th hour.  8th Hour meets  every week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:35- 3:25 pm.  Students meet in the front lobby. 
Please be sure to arrange for a ride home if you are planning to attend.  You must have a signed permission slip or note to attend. Permission slips are available in the office.

Attention all students who ride the bus to school in the morning; please walk on the sidewalk closest to the school when you get off your bus.  When you walk too close tot he buses, it creates a safety issue.

Students, the weather forecast is hot and humid for the next few days.  
Undergarments should not be visible at any time (this includes boxer shorts, briefs, underwear, bras, etc.)
Skirts and shorts must be mid-thigh, approximately lower than the palm of the hand.
Low-cut, revealing, bare-midriff tank tops or bare shoulders are not permitted.
Sleeveless tops must be two inches on the shoulder. 

September 2019
23 Staff Meeting, 2:40PM, Media Center
27 PTO Welcome Back Party, 2:30PM - 4:30PM

October 2019
7 Staff Meeting, 2:40PM, Media Center
11 ½ Day for Students, Staff Professional Development Day
14 PTO Meeting 6:00
14 PTO Book Fair During Homeroom
17 7 & 8 Fall Choir Concert, 7PM BHS Auditorium
21 Staff Meeting, 2:40PM, Media Center
22 6, 7 & 8 Fall Band Concert, 7PM BJHS Gym
24 Picture Retake Day, Lunch Hours
28 6, 7 & 8 Fall Orchestra Concert, 7PM BHS Auditorium
Have a great day at BJHS!