Reminders: Students are to wear a mask covering both nose and mouth everyday! There is NO OUTSIDE food aloud to be delivered during the pandemic. Also please remember we have a DRESS CODE. If you are unsure what the dress codes are please see the student handbook or ask the counselors.
January 27th, 28th and 29th are half days and will be dismissing at 11am!
January 2021
18 No school- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
27 Half day in school, 11:00 dismissal
28 1/2 day of school, 11:00 dismissal
29 1/2 day of school, 11:00 dismissal- End of Quarter 2
February 2021
15 No School, Presidents’ Day, Staff Professional Development Day
16 School Pictures(tentative)
17 School Pictures(tentative)
March 2021
12 ½ day of school, 11:00 dismissal
30 Academic Excellence Banquet, Premier Banquet Hall 5:30PM (Tentative)
April 2021
1 Last Day of 3rd Quarter
2 Spring Break Begins
12 School Resumes
12 State Testing Window Opens
May 2021
31 No School Memorial Day
June 2021
9 6th Grade Chromebook Rollback
10 8th Grade Chromebook Rollback
10 6th Grade Awards 8:30 am
10 7th Grade Awards 9:30 am
10 ½ day of school, 11:00 dismissal
11 7th Grade Chromebook Rollback
11 8th Grade Recognition, 8:30 am
11 Last Day, ½ day of school, 11:00 dismissal