Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Students can get free breakfast and free Lunch at school! Did your child skip breakfast? Did your child forget their lunch? No worries...they can enjoy a hot meal in the cafeteria! However this is ONE breakfast and ONE lunch per day, per student! If a student wishes to get a second lunch or snack item, it will get charged to their school account.

Join the JHS Virtual Book Club!

Meeting This Wednesday
October 21st @ 6:00 pm
(Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm)
To Join - Email: james.korycinski@mybedford.us
JHS Schoology Library Group: Groups, My Groups, Join a Group: GTXD-QJGX-5S8C2

The 7th grade football game against Saline for next Tuesday 11-3 has been CANCELLED!

🏀With the cancellation of the 7th grade football game next week we are moving basketball tryouts up 

a couple days. 7th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts will now be:
Monday 3:00-500
Tuesday 3:00-5:00
Wednesday 1:30-3:30

Boys trying out for Junior High basketball:

7th grade boys that have not played a sport this school year will need to have an MHSAA physical 
prior to their tryout. You will not be able to try out if you did not obtain this!
8th grade boys that have not participated in a fall sport will need to complete the MHSAA 
questionnaire.  If you did not get a physical last year, you will need to have one prior to your tryout.

Boys Basketball open Gym for 7th and 8th graders:

Sunday Oct 18 3:30pm-5:00pm

Sunday Oct 25 3:30pm-5:00pm

Sunday Nov 1 3:30pm-5:00pm (7th grade only)


8th grade:

Wednesday Oct 28th  

Thursday Oct 29th

Friday Oct 30th

   Time:  5:00pm-700pm


7th grade:

Monday Nov. 2nd 3-5pm

Tuesday Nov. 3rd. 3-5pm

Wednesday Nov. 4th 1:30-3:30


Masks must be worn for open gym and tryouts!! Bring your own water bottle

and hand sanitizer!

Please wear a shirt with your last name on the back to tryouts!


No cell phones during school hours.
Masks must be worn at all times in the school, covering both mouth and nose.

November 2020

2 Staff Meeting, 1:30PM, Media Center

13 End of 1st Quarter (Report Cards available on HAC on November 18)

16 Staff Meeting, 1:30PM, Media Center

24 ½ Day for All Students, Parent/Teacher Conferences

Conferences from 4:00 to 7:30 for 7th/8th Grade

By appointment for 6th Grade

25 ½ Day for All Students, Parent/Teacher Conferences

Conferences from 12:00 to 2:30 for 7th/8th Grade

By appointment for 6th Grade

26-27 No School: Thanksgiving Break 

December 2020

2 6th Grade Walleye Field Trip - Tentative

7 Staff Meeting, 1:30PM, Media Center

21 Staff Meeting, 1:30PM, Media Center 

23 Winter Break Begins