November 7-16 - BJHS/Bedford Lions Club Winter Coat Drive
November 12-20-Uof M / OSU Food Drive Kick-Off
November 13 - Boys Basketball White Home vs Monroe Red 4:15
November 13 - Boys Basketball Red Away vs Ypsilanti 4:15
November 13 - Band and Choir Concert 7:00 p.m. BJHS Gym
November 14 - Morley Money Due
November 14 - 7 & 8th Grade Parent Teacher Conference Last Names beginning with N-Z
November 14 - Bedford Athletics and PTA Council present "Positioned for Success-Making
the Right Choices" BHS Cafeteria 6:00 p.m.
November 15 - Boys Basketball White Away vs Saline Blue 4:15
November 15 - Boys Basketball Red Home vs Tecumseh 4:15
Morley money is due on Wednesday, November 14. Please continue to collect our fundraising money and have it ready to turn in. If you have not picked up your order, please come in the office to pick it up. Checks should be made to BJHS or Bedford Junior High School.
Today, BJHS will kick off their Annual BJHS/Lions Den Holiday Food Drive. Competition begins with the collection of canned goods. Each day a tally will be taken and a sticker will be placed on each can indicating Uof M or OSU. Final tallies will be taken by noon on Tuesday, November 20. The first hour class with the most canned goods will win breakfast from the Student Council! Start bringing in your canned goods!!!
The Bedford Junior High School Parent/Teacher Conferences began last week:
6th Grade Meetings will be set up with the teacher. Please look for a note to be sent home by your student's teacher.
7th and 8th Grade Meetings will be by last name:
November 6 - Last Names beginning with A - G
November 8 - Last Names beginning with H - M
November 14 - Last Names beginning with N - Z
Richard and Kathy Verlander, parents of Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin, will be appearing to discuss their recently published book, Rocks Across the Pond, @ Bedford High School’s cafeteria on Wednesday, November 14th. There will be a book signing beginning at 6:30 PM followed by a brief talk on parenting, and a Question and A at the end. This event is sponsored by the Bedford PTSA and Athletic Boosters. The Verlanders will donate $5 from each book sold to the organizations.
Doors open at 6:00 PM.
The PTSA Reflections Arts \contest is now accepting entries in 6 categories: Visual Arts, Literature, Photography, Film/Video Production, Musical Composition, and Dance Choreography. A set of rules are posted in the Media Center windows and are also available in the office. You can also check online at http://bedfordptareflections.weebly.com/.
Entry forms are available in the Media Center and Office, plus online at the site listed above. Entries can be dropped off in the Media Center and the entry deadline has been extended to December 7th. There is no limit on the number of entries you can turn in or the number of categories you can enter.
Every entry will get a prize. There will also be a grand prize drawing for a $25 gift certificate. Would you like to increase your chance of winning? Refer-a-Friend! When you submit an entry, a card will be delivered to their homeroom. Give that card to a friend and if they turn in a qualified Reflections entry and that card, you both get an extra ticket in the grand prize drawing!
Entry forms are available in the Media Center and Office, plus online at the site listed above. Entries can be dropped off in the Media Center and the entry deadline has been extended to December 7th. There is no limit on the number of entries you can turn in or the number of categories you can enter.
Every entry will get a prize. There will also be a grand prize drawing for a $25 gift certificate. Would you like to increase your chance of winning? Refer-a-Friend! When you submit an entry, a card will be delivered to their homeroom. Give that card to a friend and if they turn in a qualified Reflections entry and that card, you both get an extra ticket in the grand prize drawing!
If you have any questions, please contact the Reflections chair: Sandy Kraine at 734-856-7171 or at sandy.kraine@bedford.k12.mi.us.
Would you like something fun and meaningful to do? If so, you are invited to join the YMCA Leos Club. The Leos Club is a fun and energetic group that spends its time volunteering and learning leadership skills. They help out with YMCA sports and events, do community service, and go on trips and service weekends. They meet every Tuesday at 6:30 at the YMCA." The group is a big part of many Jr. High and High School lives. There are dues for Leos but they are really flexible on when they are to be paid. As of right now, they are due around the same time Christmas break is; and they are $25. There is no date of which students have to be registered by. Each month we run Teen Night on the third Saturday. Teens are invited to come and participate in activities that include swimming, dodge-ball, , etc. Entrance is $5 at the door. If you have any more questions please email tyshroyer@gmail.com LEOS - YMCA
Jade Cox
Jared Glenn